David's TSOTS Blog Post #3

In the time it has taken to finally start writing this post, our plant ha grown and changed a lot! At the moment, it is currently about the size of a small dog. It has a lot of grass growing around it, and it looks to be about 2 feet in diameter. It has a bit of a purple tint around the low-to-ground stem, and rich, green leaves.

Thanks to transpiration, water can move through the roots into little pockets on the underside of the leaves. Our plant, obviously, needs water, so this is how it gets it. It is a part of the water cycle because the amount of water it got affected it's growth; too little and it would dry up, too much and it would drown.

Plants can participate in the movement of carbon through the atmosphere by converting atmospheric carbon dioxide to carbon based compounds. This process is called photosynthesis. Our plant's part in the carbon cycle relates to it's growth because the plant uses photosynthesis to get food from the sun.

Our plant participates in the nitrogen cycle due to the continuity in the loss of nitrogen from the reserve of it's own nitrogen reserve, Which is always at use for the plants. I know that this affects our plant because it is essential to their growth.


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