A Matter of Selection

Looking at the garden  there's a lot difference is the heads' of the  plants and the roots. Some of the plants have long stems with little to no leaves, some have tall stems with several leaves. There were several other plants with vain like stems with little flower's other plants looked like they were growing cabbages and some looked like the cabbages had sprouted.
2 The reason  that there is so much variation  in the plants traits is probably because when farmers started growing the plants they breded the seed with others that had useful traits. It also could have been from the area that the plant was grown.
3 There was not much similarity all the plants were different from the others the main similarity between the plants was the color.
4 Since  there was not much similarity's in order for the plant breeders to get a new genotype and phenotype they would have to combine the genes of two selected plants. Or take the pollen from one plant and put it in another  fertilize it and produce a fertile seed.


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