Subhan blogpost #7

We are using the brassica orleracea flower. This is a picture of the whole flower. You can see the pedals, stem, stamen, and the carpel.  This picture shows all the parts needed for reproduction. This flower in particular has both a stamen and a carpel. 

Here is a view at (2x). This is the stamen. It is a male part of the flower. There is a stalk that's called the filament. This is the base of the flower that is coming up from the stem. The top part of the flower is called the anther. That part of this flower makes and releases sperm cells. This part also makes pollen. 

Here is a view at (2x). Here is a part of a plant that is called the carpel. The carpel has a stalk called the style. There is a sticky tip of the carpel that is called the stigma. This part of the carpel is sticky which means it can get pollen sticking to it. 

This part of the flower has all the parts stripped away except the ovary. The sliced open ovule shows, the ovaries. These ovaries are immature, unfertilized seeds. The ovules are inside of the ovaries. That's what's inside of the ovaries. 


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