Subhan's TSOTS blogpost #8


The plants flowers didn't show that much variation. They mostly look the same. The plant's leaves have a lot of variation. Most of the leaves on the plants are different sizes and the outline is sometimes different. Plant 1 has a leaf height of 16 cm and width of 14 cm the stem size is 30 cm. Plant 2 has a leaf height of 14 cm and a width of 8 cm, the stem size is 14 cm. Plant 3 has a leaf height of 26 cm and a width of 26 cm, the stem size was 32 cm. Mostly now these days, people do selective breeding which is when people select certain types of genes for plants like brassica oleracea to make them better. Artificial selection is when people select certain phenotypes. Some mutations could contribute to the plants looks and genotypes. This could help with the plants traits and genes. Descent with modification would be the most likely reason for the plants looks because it is the natural way an organism reproduces. There is a lot of natural variation in these plants. The stem and flower look like they have most variation than any other part because the stem grows in different sizes and lengths. The flower is always the same, it has 4 pedals that are yellow. ????? why they don't look same???? In order to change plant traits, the plant breeders need to change the plant's traits so the plant can have desired characteristics. To get the desired trait, plant breeders have to have two of the same plants that have the desired traits and breed them to make a purebred plant. This is one of the many ways plant breeders can breed and give plants the desired traits. 


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